Friday, December 2, 2011

Grasses - The Perfect Gift

This is good old Tennessee soil!
After one planting, only a few blades of grass made their way through the hard soil.

 Improvements are on the way!
Fescue begins to spring forward.

There IS hope for the soil!
Here is a beautiful bed of clover!

That's better!
A dairy cow is closer to reality for us! 
Below is a mixture of clover, fescue, and timothy grass!

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.  James 1:17

Monday, October 17, 2011

Processing Day for Last Batch

Tuesday, October 25th our broilers will be processed
by the USDA inspected facility.

They look GREAT!

First Farm Tour

Our first farm tour was for little Rayna and her mama. 
Rayna enjoyed walking through the clover.

We finally reached the egg mobile where our hens lay their eggs.
Rayna collected eggs that day!

At first, Rayna was timid around the hens, but soon
she was feeding them and enjoying it!

 To finish off the field trip,
Rayna packaged the eggs and took them home!

Lord and Lady Bacon

Lord Bacon looking handsome as ever!

Lady Bacon posing beautifully.

Lord Bacon rooting for MORE food!

Lord Bacon resting in the middle of the day.

Blessings From Above

The Watcher
Four hummingbirds visited us throughout the summer months. The bird on the branch watched diligently as the other four hummingbirds tried to get a drink. As each one came close to the feeder, the bird on the branch dive bombed them, giving them no access to the feeder.  Thus the hummingbird at the feeder is the same bird on the branch.  In spite of The Watcher's aggressiveness, the four hummingbirds continue to make effort, giving us a beautiful show throughout the day.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Developing Feathers

The baby chicks arrived July 14th and are doing very well developing their feathers in this TN heat.  August 4th, the chicks will be moved to the chicken tractor where they can forage on grass and insects, while eating non-gmo grain.


Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Processing Day

After enjoying fresh grass, all-natural feed, and plenty of warmth and sunshine, our 7 week old broilers have grown into healthy, plump birds.


And these birds survived the
Tennessee Tornados!


Ready for processing!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Only 2 More Weeks To Go!

The broilers are doing great!  Not only are they receiving excellent feed with no hormones, no gmo's, and no antibiotics, they are also out on green grass, receiving fresh air and sunshine, while foraging for live protein in the form of insects.  

The chickens are in their 6th week with only 2 weeks to go before their processing.