248 County Road 195
Athens, TN 37303
Driving south from Knoxville on Highway 75, take exit 52 (Athens, Mt. Verd Road, Rt. 305). At end of exit, merge right onto Rt. 305. Go pass Clearwater Market on left, keeping on Rt. 305. Take next left onto County Road 195, although the 195 sign is on your right. Drive carefully down curvy road and at sharp corner, take right into driveway #248.
Driving north from Chattanooga on Highway 75, take exit 52 (Athens, Mt. Verd Road, Rt. 305). At end of exit, merge left onto Rt. 305. Go pass Clearwater Market on left, keeping on Rt. 305. Take next left onto County Road 195, although the 195 sign is on your right. Drive carefully down curvy road and at sharp corner, take right into driveway #248.